Friday, October 22, 2010

This Texas Baby: Week 24 Check-In

BABY'S TASK FOR THE WEEK: Keep on growing! I think you are in a huge growth period, as everything I read says the following are developing or continuing to develop:
brain is growing
taste buds continue to delelop
lungs are developing branches
small capillaries are developing that will help give your skin a pink glow!

SYMPTOMS: Less space in my belly! I think this is the first week where I have really started to feel like there is less space inside me. After eating my normal lunch I feel SUPER full and uncomfortable. I find myself taking more deep breaths. At night time when your daddy tries to curl up with me with his arm over me, I have to move it because I feel like I can not breath. This might all be in my head because I read that my uterus is now about the size of a soccer ball! You hear that, baby? You are living in a soccer ball right now.

Another symptom this week was more movement! But this time your daddy could feel you moving! We were laying in bed one night and daddy was waiting for me to roll over so he could curl up with me, but you were moving around A LOT so I was just laying there on my back taking it in and said "hold on, I'm feeling bun-dumpling move." Daddy put his hand on my belly and I moved it to where you were moving, the lower left of my belly. And he sat there for a few seconds with his hand there and I asked him if he could feel you and he just kind of nodded his head and said yeeeaaah. I think he was really excited and freaked out about it! He did not keep his hand there too long. I also read this week that if daddy puts his ear to my belly he might be able to hear your heartbeat! How cool is that? I will make him try this week and report back about it next week.
(Sidenote: Have I told you that we call you Bun-Dumpling? When we were trying to figure out what to call you at the beginning I sent you daddy a whole list of pet names and Bun was on there as was Dumpling, well he liked both and decided to combine them, do you have been Bun-Dumpling to us ever since!)

CURRENT MOOD: Worry. But nothing about you baby! More like worrying about how I want to decorate your room! You know daddy and I picked out your bedding a while ago, but for some reason this week I have been second guessing myself and keep thinking maybe you would like something with more and brighter colors! We are going to the store tomorrow that has the bedding we picked out for you so I am sure that will remind me why I love that bedding.

THIS WEEK'S GETTING READY FOR BABY FINISHED HOMEWORK: We've registered at Target and are going to hit up Buy Buy Baby and Babies R Us tomorrow.

NEXT WEEK'S GETTING READY FOR BABY HOMEWORK: Go buy paint, ok really this time, GO BUY IT! I want to paint all next weekend


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