Monday, November 1, 2010

This Texas Baby: Week 25 Check-In

BABY'S TASK FOR THE WEEK: You are starting to grow hair! I am so excited to see what color your hair will be. Will you be a little towhead like I was as a baby? Or will you have your daddy rich brown hair? Or will you end up a little ginger/strawberry blond? I CAN'T wait to find out!

SYMPTOMS: Sore, sore feet. One of the bad things about sitting at a desk all day is when I am up on feet on the weekends or at night they start to hurt pretty quick.

CURRENT MOOD: Happy. I had a doctors appointment last week to check my glucose and iron levels. Thankfully, both came back just fine. I was pretty worried for a while that my glucose might be out of whack, but everything is fine. The doctor shows that I had gained 5 pounds since my last visit, which she seemed to be very happy with. I think that puts my total weight gain at around 7 - 8 pounds.

THIS WEEK'S GETTING READY FOR BABY FINISHED HOMEWORK: Painting! We did it baby girl. Your momma got over her anxiety about your room and just stuck with the plan. So, your daddy and I started painting last Sunday and I finished up during the week. Our glider also came in this week, I am so excited about it! It's suuuper comfy, which is good, since I imagine I will be spending a lot of time in it come February.

You're daddy went to the World Series this weekend and I stayed home to do some shopping and stuff around the house. Well that turned into me cleaning my closet out of all the clothes I needed to donate and all the clothes I needed to pack up because they do not fit me anymore! Who knew that gaining such a small amount of weight would put such a dent in my wardrobe?

NEXT WEEK'S GETTING READY FOR BABY HOMEWORK: Get ready for our prepared childbirth class. Your daddy and I are taking the first of two classes this Saturday. I am excited and nervous about it! I also want to go get crown molding and blinds for your room! Oh, and pick out a curtain rod!


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