Tuesday, October 19, 2010

This Texas Baby: Week 23 Check-In

Sorry that this post is a little late, baby. Your daddy and I were celebrating our 1st Anniversary!
BABY'S TASK FOR THE WEEK: Keep on develop your sense of hearing.You can feel me moving now, so maybe when I am cleaning the house I should start dancing around while doing it... on second thought maybe I don't want you to pick up my sense of rhythm, it's terrible!

SYMPTOMS: Does steady weight gain count as a symptom? The past two weeks I have gained the EXACT same amount (1.3 pounds), according to WiiFit. I was hoping to keep my gaining below a pound a week, in fact closer to 1/2 a pound a week, but I would say having only gained 5 pounds so far is not that bad. Hopefully, I can keep it up, I am already dreading having to work off baby weight! I did read in one of my emails that your weight should be DOUBLED by the end of the month! That means you should weigh 2 whopping pounds!

CURRENT MOOD: I am starting to phase back into my tired all the time mood from the beginning of the pregnancy and it makes me sad. I feel like there is still so much to do to get ready for you! It also makes me nervous about how I am going to function once I have to go back to work and work 8 hours a day with no naps and still be up during the night with you. I know I will adjust and it will become the norm, but it is the one thing I am very worried about now.

Speaking of having so much still to do, have I mentioned that you daddy has been working out of town A LOT the past few months? I know it has been hard on him, it's like every week when he come home after being gone he has a whole new wife because I keep growing and changing with you! It's also been hard on me, I feel like there is SO MUCH we still need to do for you, all the painting and room decorating and registering for stuff, but after sitting behind a desk all week there is only so much running around your momma can handle before she is tuckered out! And for your daddy, after being gone all week he just wants to relax at home with us, so I feel bad handing him a list of things to do over the weekend that I just can not do during the week. But, as long as your daddy gets all his traveling done now so he can be home with us when you come, you and I will be fine for now while he is gone!

THIS WEEK'S GETTING READY FOR BABY FINISHED HOMEWORK: I think we picked out a paint color! And I think I decided on the pack n play, highchair and swing I want for you.

NEXT WEEK'S GETTING READY FOR BABY HOMEWORK: Register for all of our baby stuff and go buy paint!


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